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New youth voice joins 腦瞳憫 & Enterprise Company Board

06 Mar 2023

New youth voice joins 腦瞳憫 & Enterprise Company Board

  • New chair of Youth Advisory Group also appointed

腦瞳憫 (CEC) has appointed a new young person, Mohammed Samir, to its board as a director to help bring the voice of youth to the heart of its decision making.

Mohammed Samir is currently a Graduate Software Developer for Barclays and also a Project Advisory Board Member for the Young Foundation. He is passionate about youth issues and raising the aspirations of young people and would love to bring his experiences as a young person to the board.

Mohammed will succeed Lizzie Beale, who was appointed as CECs first youth board director two years ago.

Mohammed said:

I joined the YAG because, throughout my time in education, I have been passionate about the aspirations of young people. As someone from a working-class upbringing, I can relate first hand to the experiences of young people from those backgrounds, and I hope to work with the Board and my YAG colleagues to make a lasting impact on these communities.

CEC has also announced the appointment of a new chair of its Youth Advisory Group (YAG), Elijah Denning, who is currently studying his A levels.

Elijah said:

I joined the YAG because I'm passionate about making sure young people receive education about the opportunities available to them.

I'm interested in making sure those from minority backgrounds are informed on their options for their future. I also want to raise awareness about increasing access to university for those that would not otherwise see it as an option and giving young people the tools necessary to secure competitive university places.

Youth Voice

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